"It is amazing how caregivers, especially mothers will move mountains for the sake of their children. You can see this first hand in the room full of people here that have come from miles just to attend this meeting...So you can see that you are not alone in your quest to seek answers. You are a Canary!"- Cecilia Coble (11/05/11)
In this country today what is happening to our children's health?
- 1 in every 6 children is diagnosed with a developmental delay
- 1 in every 91 children is diagnosed with autism – Autism is affects 1 in every 80 boys
- 1 in every 10 children is diagnosed with asthma
- There is a mass rise in food allergies – there are now over one million children with a peanut allergy.
- Children diagnosis with ADHD is also rising and the obesity numbers are staggering.
National State of Affairs-What else is impacting our children?
- The erosion of a consumer’s right to choose or refuse what goes into their bodies – whether it be food or medicine.
- The erosion of parental rights to chose what is best for their children with regard to medicine and vaccination is being taken away. There is a threat that it will spread state by state. A most recent example happened in California where Governor Jerry Brown signed into law legislation that allows our youth as young as 12 years old to be vaccinated w/o parental knowledge or consent.
- Practioners that are providing families with alternatives to help their children are being attacked in the courts and vilified in the media.
- The erosion of a consumer’s right to purchase raw milk from a local farmer instead of buying milk from a store!
- The erosion of an individual’s right to grow a garden in their own back yard.
- We are being exposed to toxins, pesticides, preservatives and genetically modified food.
What can we do as a society and parents to make a difference?
The Canary Party Overview
Why call it the Canary Party?
In the 19th century, canaries were used to detect the presence of poisonous gas accumulation deep in the underground tunnels of the coalmines. These small vocal birds provided a crucial signal to miners. The silence of these songbirds meant the miners were in danger due to high toxic gas levels in the mines.
Today, the canaries are our children whom are the most vulnerable. The canaries are the military and the adults with chronic illnesses like MS, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Gulf War Syndrome, Diabetes, Cancer, etc.
If this continues to go on…. Will our children even be able to function and be productive citizens of our society? Will they live a long and robust life?
What is the Canary Party?
In 2010, a group of concerned parents whose children were suffering from neurological and autoimmune disorders came to the realization that while they tried in earnest to engage both the medical industry and government health officials regarding addressing the epidemic levels of childhood chronic illness, the medical establishment was not acting in good faith.
In the spring of 2011, the Canary Party took flight. The first Canary Party convention was held this July in Minneapolis, MN. The aim of the Canary Party is to restore health and scientific integrity across America. This is a transpartisan grassroots movement.
The mounting health crisis of children and another other vulnerable groups are being ignored by the medical and pharmaceutical industry and governmental agencies – it is even being suppressed! As parents, citizens and advocates for the health and future generations, we must rise up to call attention to this health crisis and demand action to end it! We must come together as a unified group.
We, the Canaries must take flight and sing our song! We can no longer be silenced canaries! It is time to demand answers and clean up the corruption with regard to bad medical practices and pharmaceuticals and bad public health policies that are assaulting human health!
To read more who the Canary Party, please visit their website or facebook page.
How can I get involved?
- Please join us by going to www.CanaryParty.org. We need your help in any way you can: by sharing your story, by making a monetary donation, becoming a supporter of the Canary Party, helping with advocacy and legislative reform in your state and electing officials who will represent our interests.
- The Canary Party has planned regional conferences throughout the country. I encourage you to attend and bring others with you. The Southern region conference will be held in Dallas in December. The Midwest Canary Conference will be held in Chicago on March 23 to the 25th of 2012. Check the Canary Party website for dates and locations in your state.
"Take Heed: You do not find what you do not seek."
Remember to stay strong! Know you are not alone! Follow your instincts – most often you are right and you know what’s best for your children and family! Share what you have learned with others! It takes courage to do so sometimes but you may be surprised to learn that others share a concern and are dealing with related issues.
Ask the hard questions! Don’t make health decisions based on blind acceptance! Become a critical thinker! Continue to do your research! Demand answers! Demand justice and compassion! You have the human right to choose or refuse… with regard to medicine and vaccination, the food you consume and the products and services you buy.
United together, we will change the course of human health history and make medicine, our country and our world a much safer place for our children and the generations to come!
Show that you have taken flight with the Canary Party!
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